New Essay: “Carceral enjoyments and killjoying the social life of social death”

My rather long(ish) essay, “Carceral enjoyments and killjoying the social life of social death” is out this month in Kelly Struthers Montford and Chloë Taylor’s new volume, Building Abolition: Decarceration and Social Justice (out now from Routledge!).

Rather than try to summarize, here’s an overview from the essay itself:

Continue reading “New Essay: “Carceral enjoyments and killjoying the social life of social death””

Active Intolerance available in paperback

It’s been out for a few months now, but I’m still happy to (re)announce that Active Intolerance: Michel Foucault, the Prisons Information Group, and the Future of Abolition has been released in a far more affordable paperback edition by Palgrave. You can order it direct from the publisher for $40 (USD).

Hopefully this makes Active Intolerance more usable for teaching and gets it into the hands of more folks. Moreover, if you are interested in getting a copy to someone on the inside, please let me know and I’ll be happy to help in any way that I can!

Also, the introductory chapter (by Perry Zurn and myself) is still available for free online.


#philoSOPHIA2017 roundtable this weekend, Resistant Affects: On Building Active Intolerance Against the Intolerable

Am really exited to be a part of a  great  roundtable this weekend at the 2017 meeting of  philoSOPHIA,  Resistant Affects: On Building  Active Intolerance Against the Intolerable, at Florida Atlantic University.

The panel will feature presentations from Natalie Cisneros (U. Seattle), Andrea Pitts (UNC-Charlotte), Falguni Sheth (Emory), Perry Zurn (American U.), and myself. It will be moderated by Kyoo Lee (CUNY). We’re going to be building on (and moving beyond) the work in the book that Perry and I co-edited,  Active Intolerance (which features chapters from Cisneros, Sheth, and Zurn). This panel tries to  continue a line of questioning that Perry and I keep coming back to: what precisely did the GIP mean when  they  insisted that their work was to  heighten  intolerance, to embrace a seemingly illiberal  virtue and direct it toward  intolerable institutions? The GIP, on the first page of  their 1971 publication  Intolerable 1: An Inquiry  into 20 Prisons,  succinctly listed some of these: “the courts, the cops, the hospitals and asylums, school, military service, the press, the state, and above all the prisons.” But surely, this list is not enough. And surely, we must do more than simply  make such a  list. This is what we’ll be  thinking about.

The event is open to the public, so please come and join us.

Interview with @HarshaWalia published with @AbolitionJ

Last year, I had the honor and great pleasure of talking with Harsha Walia about her amazing work and her book, Undoing Border Imperialism. An edited version of the conversation is now up online over at Abolition Journal’s website (and will be included in the forthcoming inaugural issue of the journal later this year).

So, have a read  at “Dismantle & Transform: On Abolition, Decolonization, & Insurgent Politics (A Conversation with Harsha Walia).

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My deepest thanks to Harsha for the talk  and to the folks at Abolition Journal for hosting.

Deep Discounts on Punishment and Inclusion and Active Intolerance Until Dec. 31

IMG_1563Until the end of 2015,  deep discounts are available on both of my books if you order direct:

Active Intolerance-DiscountFlyer

Punishment and Inclusion, reviewed in PoP

I’m really pleased to have been able to take part in a critical dialogue with Banu Bargu about  our respective books. Bargu is author of the award-winning Starve and Immolate: The Politics of Human Weapons (Columbia UP, 2014). We reviewed each other’s work, and had a chance to respond to each other’s reviews. This is also the first review in print of Punishment and Inclusion.  The exchange is currently available for free from Perspectives on Politics in their excellent special issue devoted to Prisons and Policing.