
I have a paper (that is nearly done, I promise) that I’ll be presenting in a few places in the coming months, called “To Kill a Thief: Locke and the Excess of Punishment.” I’ll be presenting it at the the University of Chicago Law School and in the Political Theory Workshop on April 6th and June 6th respectively, and at the MPSA meeting in two weeks here in Chicago.

winter quarter and books

Bought a bunch of books lately. because I have no self control. and the new quarter is now underway. Expect to see a few draft syllabi go online in the near future.


A few updates in terms of papers presented, classes taught, and phd candidacy finally achieved. I’ll put up the full version of the proposal at some future date. I will also have a few upcoming talks in the new year (workshops and conferences).


cleaned up some spots on here. fixed some links. blah blah blah.