Introduction to Active Intolerance now available for download

ActiveIntolerance-CoverSince I know none of you  can  wait for it, you’ll be happy to know that  the Introductory  chapter of  Active  Intolerance: Michel Foucault, The Prisons Information Group, and the  Future of Abolition  is now  available for download as a PDF direct from, Palgrave Macmillan. The chapter, co-authored by myself and Perry Zurn, sets the stage for the entire collection, introduces readers to the the GIP, and works to re-center our readings of this remarkable group away from merely a footnote to “Foucault Studies.”

Active Intolerance  will be widely available on November 18 of this month, and is already  available for preorder! And for a limited time, you can order direct from  Palgrave and get 30% off the cover price with promo  code PMTHIRTY15.

Active Intolerance will be out Nov. 18; take 30% off via Palgrave

Active Intolerance-DiscountFlyerActive Intolerance: Michel Foucault, The Prisons Information Group, and the  Future of Abolition,  (co-edited with Perry Zurn of Hampshire College) is set to drop in  print Nov. 18!  It is already  available on amazon for pre-order… or, you can take 30% by ordering directly from  Palgrave with  the code PMTHIRTY15.

Also, I’ll be  speaking at  the University of Richmond next week on  Punishment and Inclusion  and questions of critical prison theory/philosophy.  I’ll post details soon!

Lastly, if you’re going to be at SPEP next week in Atlanta, come and see  the panel with Ladelle McWhorter, Natalie Cisneros, Perry Zurn, and  Dianna Taylor (who are all contributors to the volume) speaking  about  their work in Active  Intolerance:  Screen Shot 2015-09-29 at 2.18.11 PM

Punishment and Inclusion, three months later

It’s been a few months since Punishment and Inclusion: Race, Membership, and the Limits of American Liberalism was released by Fordham University  Press, and it’s been amazing to hear responses and see copies showing up  in the hands of  folks out there in the world.  I’ll be giving a  bunch of talks in the near future about the book (as well as about some new projects that I’ve been working on), but in the meantime, you can follow updates at the Punishment and Inclusion page on facebook, download a copy of the  preface and first chapter to read, and (obviously) pick yourself up a  copy to read  by the fireplace this winter. Thank you  again to everyone that made this possible!


forthcoming chapter on death penalty “abolition” and LWOP

I recently received word that Death and Other Penalties, edited by  Geoffrey Adelsberg, Lisa Guenther, and Scott Zeman,  is now under contract with Fordham University Press. I am honored to have a chapter included in the volume called, “Death Penalty Abolition in Neoliberal Times,” which critically takes up the failure of Prop. 34 in California, LWOP sentencing, and Foucault’s writings on the death penalty.