Issue one of @AbolitionJ available! Launch event at DVC this week…

It’s been many years in the making, but Issue One of Abolition Journal is finally out in print and available from Common Notions (and AK Press Distro)!

The full journal will be published online here shortly, entirely Open-Access and in print quality PDF format. We’re just getting the technical things sorted out.

Additionally, I’ll be up at Diablo Valley College on Feb 28 alongside Albert Ponce, Brooke Lober, and others to talk about abolitionist politics generally, and how the journal project fits into that work. And we’ll have lots of copies of Issue One on hand as well. So, if you’re in the Bay area, come and join us!

Privilege, The Myth of Merit, and Abolition-Democracy

NB: This is a lightly edited version of a talk that I gave as part of the Thinking Privilege Symposium at the Hurford Center for the Arts and Humanities, Haverford College, April 8, 2016. It is based on an earlier talk I gave at the 2015 APSA annual meeting as part of a roundtable to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the publication of Iris Marion Young’s Justice and the Politics of Difference. As it was written for spoken delivery, it lacks a complete scholarly apparatus; apologies.

Continue reading “Privilege, The Myth of Merit, and Abolition-Democracy”

Talk at the New School, Feb. 19

Politics Speaker Series Spring 2015Details on the previously announced talk at the New School for Social Research are now available. I’m being hosted by the wonderful folks in the Politics Department as part of their spring speaker series.  I’ll be talking about my book on  Feb. 19, 2015, at 6pm. Details on their full series is attached!

talks coming up in spring 2015, Memphis PGSA conference keynote

I’ve added a  page to keep track of upcoming talks and lectures that I will be  giving.  Most of them this spring will be  related to Punishment and  Inclusion, but I’ll be presenting some new work as well at a few places. In particular, I’m really excited to be giving the keynote address  at  the  University of Memphis  Philosophy  Graduate Student  Association Conference,  Beyond  Bars:  The Future of Prisons  in  February. It’s an honor to  be invited  and a true privilege  to get a chance to talk with a bunch of very smart students and faculty there.

“rethinking mass incarceration” symposium at CSUF, April 10-11

I’m honored to be speaking this week at an amazing symposium organized by Brady Heiner in the philosophy department at Cal-State Fullerton:  Rethinking Mass Incarceration:  Gender, Race, and the Prison Industrial Complex. There is an amazing lineup of speakers, including Kimberlé Crenshaw, Alisa Bierria,  Susan Burton,  Kitty Calavita,  Kristie Dotson,  Lisa Guenther, Justin Levitt,  Sarah Tyson, Johnita Wilbon  and Azadeh Zohrabi.