new interview on Active Intolerance published

My dear friend and co-editor Perry Zurn and I did a lengthy interview with Eugene Wolters over at about our volume, Active Intolerance, earlier this month.

It is a pretty wide-ranging conversation, but focused primarily on a few chapters of the book, but also reflecting on what drove us to work on this book: our interests in prison and police abolition and doing something with Foucault that goes beyond the typical work that makes up most “Foucault studies” scholarship.

I think one of the key points comes near the end: thinking about what role folks like us (situated in academia and operating from various positions of structural privilege) have in the projects of prison abolition, Black liberation, and human freedom.

Specifically, I’m thinking about a line that I contributed, and in which I’m most invested, comes right at the end:

If prison abolition is really going to be the work of collective liberation, those of us in positions which enjoy and maintain the domination and marginalization of others are going to have lose those positions, actively work to undermine them, and build a world in which those positions simply no longer exist. To think, however, that such “losses” are going to be painful is to presume (wrongly, I think) that what far too many of us hold today is rightfully “ours” in the first place.

Introduction to Active Intolerance now available for download

ActiveIntolerance-CoverSince I know none of you  can  wait for it, you’ll be happy to know that  the Introductory  chapter of  Active  Intolerance: Michel Foucault, The Prisons Information Group, and the  Future of Abolition  is now  available for download as a PDF direct from, Palgrave Macmillan. The chapter, co-authored by myself and Perry Zurn, sets the stage for the entire collection, introduces readers to the the GIP, and works to re-center our readings of this remarkable group away from merely a footnote to “Foucault Studies.”

Active Intolerance  will be widely available on November 18 of this month, and is already  available for preorder! And for a limited time, you can order direct from  Palgrave and get 30% off the cover price with promo  code PMTHIRTY15.

Active Intolerance will be out Nov. 18; take 30% off via Palgrave

Active Intolerance-DiscountFlyerActive Intolerance: Michel Foucault, The Prisons Information Group, and the  Future of Abolition,  (co-edited with Perry Zurn of Hampshire College) is set to drop in  print Nov. 18!  It is already  available on amazon for pre-order… or, you can take 30% by ordering directly from  Palgrave with  the code PMTHIRTY15.

Also, I’ll be  speaking at  the University of Richmond next week on  Punishment and Inclusion  and questions of critical prison theory/philosophy.  I’ll post details soon!

Lastly, if you’re going to be at SPEP next week in Atlanta, come and see  the panel with Ladelle McWhorter, Natalie Cisneros, Perry Zurn, and  Dianna Taylor (who are all contributors to the volume) speaking  about  their work in Active  Intolerance:  Screen Shot 2015-09-29 at 2.18.11 PM